Sunday, May 15, 2011

4 of Swords: Rest and Recuperation

Yesterday I was tired. I kept trying to convince myself to get up and go take the dogs for a walk, but it just wasn't happening. I just finished the 10-day Zumba Exhileration Accelerated Program ("guaranteed to lose an inch off your waist or a pants size or your money back!"). Normally I do P90X and lift heavy weights, but I decided to change my focus this month to more cardio. So I finished the 10 days and took a rest day on Friday. Yesterday I was supposed to start back on my modified P90X program (I will continue to mix Zumba in), but I just couldn't do it.

Sometimes we just need a break. Whether it's physical, mental, our spiritual, we need time to recuperate. The 4 of Swords reminds us to do just that. It is time to let go and be at peace. This will give us a chance to renew our energies. We will be able to regroup and then will be more prepared to tackle our lives with increased energy and enthusiasm.

So listen to the 4 of Swords. When your life is constantly, "go, go, go!" it reminds us to take a little time for "slow, slow, slow." The rewards in all aspects of our lives when we listen to this card can be great.

As for me - I woke up this morning ready to work out. Both my measurements and my weight had gone down because I gave my body the time it needed to heal itself and renew. What can you gain from the 4 of Swords today?
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